Hi there!
My name is Moritz or '​​​​​​​Mo'. Nice to meet you!
I am 3D-Artist, Graphic Designer
& a passionate Photographer
from Berlin Germany.
Work experience:
// since 2023 //
I'm currently working as a 3D-Artist with a big focus on
product visualization and animation for the beauty and sexual wellness industry. 

// 2012-2023 //
I worked as a Graphic Designer and Technical Writer for a service provider company, specialized in technical documentation
for over 10 years. At the time I was responsible for the art direction, visualization and editorial for many of our clients. 
As an employee of a service provider company I had the chances to work for many clients and industries. Which helped me to gain more and more experience in very different areas.
I specialise in:
> Technical Illustration & Writing
> Photography and Photo Editing
> Layout & Graphic Design
> 3D-Animation
> 3D-Product Visualization
Software experience:
Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe InDesign
Adobe Premiere/Adobe Premiere/Davinci Resolve
Cinema4D+Redshift/Blender/KeyShot/CATIA Composer/Unreal Engine
Adobe Substance Painter/3DCoat
2013 - 'tekom Dokupreis': For the 'Horex VR6 Roadster Manual'
Role: Art Direction & Illustration
2015 - Winner of 'tekom Dokupreis': For the 'Krone Trailer Axle Animation'
Role: Art Direction, Animation & Illustration
2017 - Winner of the 'tekom Dokupreis': For the 'Krone Trailer Axle Manual' 
Role: Art Direction, Illustration & Editorial